Dental fillings are used in the repair of teeth that have cracked or started decaying. In those that have started decaying the doctor will have to remove the decayed portion then add a filling to the left hole. For the types of teeth that have been misused i.e. by tearing of hard objects like metals dental fillings are used in their repair.

What are the steps that are involved in dental filling?

By the help of a local anesthetic the dentist will numb around the affected teeth and then drill the area to be filled using an abrasion object .A laser can also be used in such a case also to remove the decayed portion of teeth. However the dentist will have to decide the besDental-Fillingst type of tool to use when drilling because there are a number of such tools.

After doing this the dentist will test to know whether all the affected area has been removed totally and then prepare the space to be filled by totally cleaning that area to remove any remaining debris and bacteria.

If the decay is so close to the root of the tooth the dentist will find the best way to protect the nerve endings of the tooth i.e. by putting a liner made of composite resin. After filling the teeth the dentist will then polish the teeth. Visit your local dental practice in Nampa to find out if this is right for you.

What are some of the filling materials available?
    • These days there are plenty of filling materials available the list ranging from gold, silver, tin etcetera. The type of filling also depends on other factors i.e. the extent of decay and the cost of filling the teeth.

What are the benefits of gold fillings?
  • They are more durable such that they are estimated to last between 10-15 years and even longer than that. They do not corrode easily also.
  • They are very strong meaning that they can withstand very strong forces of chewing.
  • They have an aesthetic quality that is most patients find them more appealing than any other type of filling available.
  • They are very expensive compared to the other types of fillings. Their cost is estimated to be ten times expensive than silver fillings.
  • They require extra checkups and visits to the dentist and this can make some people feel not comfortable with this type of filling.
  • There are other people who do not like the colored appearance of gold fillings.
What are the benefits of silver fillings?

Silver fillings can be durable also their durability ranging from between 10 to 15 years. They are also strong and can withstand strong forces. Finally they are a
bit expensive compared to composite fillings.

What are the drawbacks of gold?

They do not match the color of teeth and with that reason they have a poor anesthetic. They need a more space i.e. a healthy part of the tooth has to be removed. Finally they can cause a discoloration the adjacent healthy teeth.


It is always recommended to be careful when it comes to choosing your dentist. This is because there are a lot of people who have been tricked by quack dentists and ended up causing them more damage rather than helping them. Here are the things that you need to avoid when choosing your dentist:

Do not go for the one who you have little knowledge about

Before you go for your dentist you should make sure that you know them to every detail. You can ask your friends who probably know about the dentist you are going to visit to give you more information about them. You can also look for their onlineDental-Choosing review and make sure you can be aware of what comments other people left. This therefore means that you should not go for the dentist you do not feel comfortable on matters regarding cost, the care they give and the trust you’ve build on them.

Avoid dentists who do not have enough qualification

Qualification is another important thing that you should always check before you choose your dentist. This is because dentists pass through a lot of qualification levels before finishing their training. A good dentist should have at least a degree certificate from a recognized institution. Having this means that they have undergone a deep training thus you can never doubt their services at all. Going for a dentist with a poor qualification puts your health at risk.  Good tustin dentistry will require a little research.

Avoid dentists who do not have enough tools and equipment

A dentist cannot give you the correct help you need if they do not have the required tools. To ensure that the dentist is fully equipped, make sure that you have made a visit to their place of work and seen what kind of tools they use. They should also have enough medicine such that they do not keep on referring you to another place.

Do not be biased.

Following your instincts at time can work well with your health. For instance, somebody can give a negative review about the dentist you are about to visit. This does not therefore mean that the dentist you are about to choose is wrong because the both of you (patients) had different problems. You must therefore carry out your investigation and even talk with the dentist such that you can make your own judgment.

Avoid dentist who do not update themselves

Being updated is the best quality that makes up a good dentist. Before choosing your dentist make sure that they are updated with the current trends in the medical field more so on matters related to oral health. This will make you comfortable by knowing that the dentist you choose is of good quality. Avoid going for the ones who only have the knowledge that the learned long time ago while they were undergoing training as such people might not be able to deal with some emerging issues.


What is flossing?

To some this may appear as just a general term which may be obvious in meaning but just to clear the air, flossing is a routine practice that involves running a string between teeth in a bid to get rid of any food particles that may be stuck in between. It is highly recommended by dentists all over and goes a long way in ensuring proper oral hygiene.

Flossing and brushing are more effective

Most people may follow the recommended standards of brushing twice daily but how effective is it. Sure maybe a toothbrush can remove the bacteria and plaque logged on the surface of the teeth through its bristles. This is enhanced majorly by using toothpaste which helps eliminate any food particles as well as kill bacteria while leaving a lasting fresh breathe. But that notwithstanding some of its drawbacks a toothbrush can’t clean in between teeth and on the gums. That’s where flossing comes in by ensuring one flosses’ at least once a day oral hygiene can be maintained.

Flossing goes a long way in protecting of gums

Through a clear understanding of the arrangement of teeth within the mouth, one is able to see just how big of a role flossing plays in ensuring good hygiene. This is more so when it comes to gums.

When tiny particles are logged in between the teeth, this may lead to a gradual decay this decay is what causes plaque. This plaque deposit if gone undetected may accumulate forming tartar which is a hard deposit. This is what leads to gingivitis which is characterized by red swollen gums. If allowed the tartar can go even deeper within the gums causing more damage. It can easily lead to periodontal disease which involves severe inflammation of the gums leading to loss of teeth and damaging the bone.

Saves a lot of money

Let’s face it, it’s not all of us who are at the luxury of spending all the money catering for medical bills. Moreover, it’s really not such a prestigious way to spend money for starters. But it is out right clear that a lot of funds can be consolidated simply by giving oral hygiene the attention it requires. This is not by just brushing teeth but also flossing, this prevents the exposure to gum diseases such as gingivitis and also ensures oral hygiene is upheld.

Through regularly flossing and visiting the dentist for regular checkup, one is able to detect early stages of any developing problem and quickly solve it. Research shows that those people who regularly go for checkups at your dental office in Flint MI and observe oral hygiene regularly incurred far less medical costs in the long run as opposed to those who didn’t.

Helps in preserving a smile

To some this may not seem as a big deal, but in actual fact it’s bigger than most may assume. It is not healthy having to always think of what others opinion is about your alignment of teeth or something related to dental formula. Maybe you may be having gum Dental-Flossingproblems which  led to loss of teeth as a result of gingivitis.

Truth is a procedure as simple as flossing may have considerable impact to even one’s self esteem. By regularly flossing one can avoid gum diseases  and even loss of teeth.


Through concerted action one should make effort towards ensuring oral hygiene is maintained. More so through flossing it helps improve hygiene between teeth and healthy gums